The No 1. Market Place for Professional AV and Broadcast Equipment !

Used Equipment

Save even more, check out our pre loved offerings. We make it safe for both buyer and seller.

Broadcast AV also acts as a broker for used equipment and will advertise your pre-loved equipment for Free.

We also purchase certain items if there is an immediate need.

Simply register for free as a seller on our site and you are ready to start listing your equipment for sale.

We direct market to over 7,000 industry people within Australia and more than 8,000 world-wide and growing.

Purchasing used equipment through us is safe, we give a 7 day return period to the buyer and only release the $$ to the owner when you are happy.

All used equipment comes with a 30 day warranty unless otherwise stated.

It makes sense to buy or sell quality used Professional & Broadcast equipment through Broadcast AV.