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32 Results 1 - 30 of 32

Image ID Manufacturer Model Price Currency Negotiable
nopic 2220 Sony SRW $ AUD N
Sony SRW-5500 or any other SRW VTR
nopic 2202 Sound Devices 664 or 688 $ AUD N
Audio Mixer Sound devices 688 or 664
Focus Demand for Canon ENG B4 Lens 6 Pin 2200 Canon FPD-400 $ AUD Y
Focus Demand for Canon ENG B4 Lens 6 Pin
nopic 2191 Sony DVCAM/Mini DV $ AUD Y
Sony DVCam Deck.. DSR1500 etc?
nopic 2166 Various Various $ AUD Y
Supreme Primes 15 / 18 / 21mm Ronford-Baker Tripods (inc Low Angle) - 100mm / 150mm / Mitchell Hi-Hats - Flowtech 100mm legsns - OConnor 2560
nopic 2161 Sony J30/UVW/BVW $ AUD N
Sony Becam (NTSC) Player or J30
nopic 2154 Fujinon HA42x9.7 $ AUD N
Fujinon HA42x9.7 good quality Used lens.
nopic 2132 Fujinon/Canon TBA $ AUD Y
2/3" Box lens preferably with stabiliser/ Supports & Controls.
nopic 2125 Sony RM-BR300 $ AUD Y
Sony RM-BR300 Joystick Remote Control Panel
nopic 2124 Canon HJ11ex4.7 $ AUD N
Canon HJ11ex4.7B-IAS with Servo Zoom Cotroller
SONY DXFC50W 5inch Colour Viewfinder for DXC cameras 2115 Sony DXFC50 $ AUD Y
SONY DXFC50W 5inch Colour Viewfinder for DXC cameras
Panasonic AJ-PX380 P2 HD AVC-Ultra Camcorder 2071 Panasonic AJ-PX380G $ AUD Y
Panasonic AJ-PX380 P2 HD AVC-Ultra Camcorder
nopic 2059 Old Gear Old Gear $ AUD Y
Old Broadcast Gear Pre-1960 for collection. The older the better. Dont throw it away contact me first
nopic 2051 Sony F5 $ AUD Y
Sony F5 preferably with a VF
nopic 1913 Sony Various $ AUD N
Looking For a player for Mini DV/Video 8/ Hi 8, Digital 8 Tapes.
nopic 1911 Arri Alexa Mini $ AUD Y
Alexa Mini? (Not LF, just standard)
nopic 1908 Canon/Fujinon 21/22/23/24x $ AUD Y
HD 21x - 24x 2/3" ENG Lenses.
Sony RM-150 Remote contol Unit. 1902 Sony RM-B150 $ AUD Y
Sony RM-150 Remote contol Unit.
nopic 1894 Cooke Various $ AUD N
Cooke T.20, CXX Zoom for 35mm/Super35 Cinematography Lens
nopic 1888 Canon SUP-100 $ AUD Y
Canon SUP-100 Support Bracket
nopic 1853 Sony Various $ AUD Y
Sony Beta SP Player
nopic 1852 Sony Various $ AUD Y
Sony Beta SP VTR
nopic 1819 Canon HJ22 IASE $ AUD Y
Do you know of any Canon HJ22 IASE lenses? We are in need of 3 or 4 units.
nopic 1796 Sony/Various PDW700/F800 PMW350/P2 $ AUD N
Chasing pdw700s/f800s or pmw350s and P2s 2/3 lens type only.
nopic 1724 Sony PMW500 $ AUD Y
Sony PMW500 Camcorder.
** WANTED ** Sony CRT PVM or BVM Monitor 1550 Sony PVM-20L5 $ AUD Y
** WANTED ** Sony CRT PVM or BVM Monitor
nopic 1702 Sony U-matic (Umatic) $ AUD Y
Looking for a good working U-matic. Please let me know if you have one for sale.
nopic 1681 Various Various $ AUD Y
Mini DV Player, please let me know if you have one for sale
nopic 1540 Sony PMW-400 (PMW400) $ AUD Y
Sony PMW-400 Camcorder with or without lens
nopic 1498 Sony HDW-1200 $ AUD N
Sony HDW-HD1200 VTR's, If you have any HD Sony VTR's please get in touch.